TUMC Website 2024

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The congregation of Trade United Methodist Church welcome you to our website. We hope it provides you with information about us, the fellowship we share, and the message of Jesus' love.
Worship Services
There will be IN-CHURCH worship for both churches. Trade at 9:30 am. ON-LINE worship will be at 11:00 am. More information is available on our Worship page.
Our Basic Beliefs
"As United Methodists, we have an obligation to bear a faithful Christian witness to Jesus Christ, the living reality at the center of the Church’s life and witness. To fulfill this obligation, we reflect critically on our biblical and theological inheritance, striving to express faithfully the witness we make in our own time.

"Two considerations are central to this endeavor: the sources from which we derive our theological affirmations and the criteria by which we assess the adequacy of our understanding and witness.

"Wesley believed that the living core of the Christian faith was revealed in Scripture, illumined by tradition, vivified in personal experience, and confirmed by reason."

-Archives of the United Methodist Church


We are located in northeast Tennessee about one mile from the North Carolina-Tennessee border on Highway 421 South. Trade is the oldest community in Tennessee. Pioneers established a trading post, from which comes the name Trade, so Native Americans and pioneer settlers could buy and sell their goods.

Trade United Methodist Church was established in 1923. In 1964, we moved to the current building. Our congregation numbers 62. Reverend John Crabtree is our pastor, who we share with First United Methodist Church in Mountain City.  You may reach the church office in Mountain City at (423) 727-7554. Trade United Methodist Church is a member of the Holston Conference.


As members of the Christian community, we believe in the Holy Trinity of God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus came to earth to preach and teach salvation through Him, take on our sins, die on the cross, and rise from the dead. He waits for you right now to join into the fellowship of Christians.

Visit Us

During normal times, if you are new to the area or just visiting, we invite you to join us for Worship Services and Sunday School. Worship Services are at 9:30 a.m. Sunday School meets at 10:30 a.m. We celebrate Communion the first Sunday of each month. Every Wednesday night, the Choir meets at 6:30 PM. Besides practicing their singing for the honor and glory of God, the Choir spends time in fellowship and in sharing a meal.

Assisting Those in Need

The members of Trade United Methodist Church are committed to assisting those in our community who are in need. It has been agreed that we will handle those requests just as we have always handled any other request of that nature.  It is preferred that the person make a personal visit to Trade Church to present his request. However, if he/she is not able to come to the church, then he/she should personally contact any church member either by telephone or in person to let them know of the situation and need. In either situation, it will be brought before the church.

© 2025, Trade United Methodist Church
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